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Useful Weblinks

California Association of LAFCos (CALAFCO)

CALAFCO serves as an organization dedicated to assisting member LAFCos with technical resources that otherwise would not be available. The Association provides statewide coordination of LAFCo activities, representation before the State Legislature and other bodies, and a structure for sharing information among the various LAFCos and other governmental agencies through the State. This site provides contact information and links to CALAFCOs 58 Member LAFCos.

Click here to find out more about what CALAFCO is.

LAFCo Directory

California Special Districts Association (CSDA)
CSDA provides education and training, insurance programs, legal advice, industry-wide litigation and public relations support, legislative advocacy, capital improvement and equipment funding, collateral design services, and, most importantly, current information that is crucial to a special districts management and operational effectiveness.

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
LAO publications provide comprehensive and up-to-date analyses on current state legislation. 

Local Government Commission (LGC)
LGC is a non-profit organization that provides research and policy ideas for various growth issues affecting California, including transportation, economic development, and community design.

Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR)
Find a comprehensive list of technical advice reports on land use planning and CEQA topics. 

California Senate Home Page
A useful resource for tracking state legislation (from both the Senate and Assembly), searching statutory law, and researching general legislative matters.

Official California Legislative Information 
Maintained by the Legislative Counsel, this site is helpful legislative resource for finding bill information and receiving daily updates on Assembly and Senate bills moving through the legislation. There is also a tab to code search California Law, such as sections of the Government Code and Health and Safety Code, etc.

State Controller's Publications
Key information for LAFCo fiscal matters. For local government financial reports from the State Controller click


A Special District Workshop was held in the Yolo County Board of Supervisors Chamber on October 24th and November 1, 2016, to help clarify roles and responsibilities, to explain governance, legal, financial and purchasing services provided by Yolo LAFCo and the county to Special Districts. About 40 Board members and staff attended the workshops to gain a better understanding of their roles, LAFCo's, and the County’s. Specific items presented were an overview of Yolo LAFCo; terms, appointments and applications to various Boards, both elected and appointed; Legal issues, Brown Act and Financial Services.

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